
Reichstag zu Worms

Yesterday evening I earned the trust of a skunk.

It took a several hours and I experienced pangs of guilt while I was doing it because it's not fair to teach any wild animal to trust my kind. But I did anyway. Mea culpa.

He or she was very cute; stumpy little bear legs with long, black diggerclaws, head like a tiny seal and the suspicion of an abuela. I could tell its sight was poor and it threw its head around to smell me every time I moved. Probably only three or four months old. I knew its mother when she was pregnant. We called her "Shufflebutt". She had a litter of six or seven kits and they followed her around like monochromatic ducklings, tripping over their own front legs.

After a couple of hours of hissing at me and stomping its feet and threatening to spray me it started letting me get closer until I could wave my arms over it and it no longer scurried away.

I think I'll name it Priest. It dresses like one and spreads its message in a similar manner. Plus, I'm reasonably sure that both (priests and skunks) can survive on a diet of worms.

Priest. How lovely. Namaste.